söndag 23 augusti 2020

A Fresh Start

 Soo... Let's try this again.

It's been so long since last time that I had to delete all previous posts out of pure mortification.


This place is mostly meant for me to "talk" without anyone actually listening, I guess, just to empty myself of whatever thought I have atm...

So, fair warning: it'll be messy and incoherent, and at times very bad English, and maybe even some Swenglish - don't judge!

Today has been a very... strange day. It feels like I've been super busy, but now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've accomplished a single thing. I bought a plant. That's basically it.

I was supposed to return a couple of books to the library, but it was closed (apparently closed on weekends nowadays, what with Covid-19 and all. When I woke up today, that was the only thing on my to-do list, so... a bit of a failure.

Let's maybe start from the beginning.

I woke up a bit before 08 this morning, because I've been working all week from 08-17, and apparently my body is getting used to it. I see both positives and negatives with this, at the same time that I feel greatly surprised, since all my life feels like it's been a struggle to get out of bed... Since I was about 13, at least. Major sleep issues, let's not get into it.

Anyways, I woke up, but stayed in bed for maybe 3 hours, just reading. This is the series I borrowed from the library - really old childrens books that I used to read every summer when I was little. The first three were re-released (reissued?) since it was their - I think - 75 year anniversary. So I read them online during my summer vacation, but then had to borrow the rest from the library so I could finish the series (Kulla-Gulla).

At lunchtime, I did some stretch-yoga, nothing to taxing, just felt super stiff, then I took a shower. After getting ready, I called my parents since I thought they might be on their way home from the summerhouse, which they were. So I begged a ride to the store to buy sheet-masks (current obsession), and then a big floor-plant from IKEA (haha, so basic). Anyway, figured dad could pick me up at the library, so walked over there to wait and return the books (which I obviously couldn't).

Since I came back home I've just been sitting in my couch, watching TV and, kind of preparing to re-start my book-blog. I realized just how many books I have that I haven't read, or that I've read but don't remember. So "The Project", as I call it, somewhat unimaginative, is about reading through all the books I own: read, forgotten or unread - all of them, and write about it and them.

I tried starting a review-blog back in... 2016 I think - obviously it didn't go too well. To date I think I had... 1 1/2 post. Hmm... 

Let's hope it goes better this time. I'm very good at starting new projects, but not too good at following through. 

I hadn't even planned starting this blog again, certainly not today, but then I figured; Hell, why not? Let's do this as well, while we're at it (nevermind that I have a sorely neglected bullet journal laying beside me as I'm writing this). I'll catch up there eventually, as usual. 

Well, I'm working again tomorrow, so I guess I'll have to go to bed, it's getting really late, and I have to clear just about everything I own from my bed so I can fit myself in there. 

So tomorrow I guess I'll go to work, and then... get started on my reading list. It's sooo long, it's insane. I figure I'll be done in... 5-10 years? Maybe? Damn.


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